Saturday, May 19, 2012

Corruption! Europe is loaded to the hilt with corruption and the same is happening here. Elected officials are all in it only to get paid, they get paid extra big dollars to do the bidding of the super rich and not what is in the best interest of the average person. These average people are doing most of the work and are the financial base of these elite few, whose only goal in life is to get as many of YOUR dollars as they can take legally in higher prices. The average person is kept in place with a poor education. The few in this group smart enough to know better and do something about it is such a small percentage, that nothing is getting done.
This is known as facism, this is when corporations run the government and its law makers! During World War II facism was the main stay of the 3rd axis leg in Italy and was an evil ugly thing, now it is everywhere and nobody says anything about it. As long as nobody does anything about it will continue and prices will keep going up to put more dollars in the elite pockets! The lawmakers and the election systems are all corrupt, so the only thing that can be done is revolution! They (the Elite) will continue to take more and more of your money until you are ready to say enough and fight back!

Wednesday, May 02, 2012


Golf is my game

I like Golf! I love to play it and I love shopping for equipment and clubs! I cannot pass up a sporting goods store without going inside to check out their golf section

Friday, April 27, 2012


Prince John of Rohan


I am John of Rohan. Yes I am a real Prince. I have the largest genealogy of any person in history, as proof I suggest you read the newest book in print about me and my family. "From Charlemagne to Prince John: The Greatest Royal Lineage in Human History" by J.C. "Jake" Laughton and available on in paperback and for Kindle.

I like to talk about many things. mostly things I am passionate about...number 1 is my family genealogy and number 2 is the current state of the global economy. With this 2nd issue I like to inform people of my views on how governments are cheating their people by allowing corporate profiteering.

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